segunda-feira, 29 de março de 2010

More Rehearsal Sao Paulo


Rehearsal / Maracaibo

Love it!!

Rehearsal Jakarta

\o/ So prrooooud!!
Great Job...

segunda-feira, 22 de março de 2010

Rehearsal Taiwan


Rehearsal - Venezuela/ Caracas

First Rehearsal from Venezuela/ Caracas
Great Job girls!! =D

Rehearsal Sao Paulo/ Brazil

Photos and Videos from São Paulo.

Rehearsal Argentina

1st rehearsal 

2nd rehearsal (only a group of dancers) 

3rd rehearsal


segunda-feira, 15 de março de 2010

1 month... So excited!

Hello everyone! If you country isn't participating of flashmob, don't wait, e-mail us and make a request for your participation to be a leader in your country!

Just missing 1 MONTH! We stretch and prepare for the day to celebrate 17 years of the Backstreet boys IS COMING UP!

Thanks for all the countries!! You're doing a great work!!